Wednesday, May 20, 2015

[Kit Insight] Takara Tomy 1/72 Liger Red Hiou (Zoids Generations) [Light Build]

I've always held an enduring fascination with Zoids: mechanical constructs designed to look like biological organisms fired up the imagination within my childhood mind, spanning imaginary battles that shook earth and shattered tectonic plates. 
I always wanted a Zoid, but I never got around to getting one.
Until now.
This particular Liger is different from the rest of its trademark mascots: it is pink. A mail-order, festival-exclusive, limited edition Holotech version of the Liger Zero offered by Dengenki Hobby in 2007, the Hiou is hard to find and even harder to get, and you will see why once I get it assembled.
If I can only have one Zoid, make it a limited edition one!
But I must say, the pre-painted parts on the molded parts are a GREAT touch, perfect for lazy or casual modeler who just does not want to do any painting. Bandai should consider doing that as well!
The Hiou is more or less a straight build, with only certain parts of the frame updated with metallic red, the blue bolts improved with Light Metallic Blue, the chest cannon recoloured silver, the thrusters coated with Light Gun Metal and the claws repainted to silver chrome. I also removed the tail cannon as I felt it was unneeded, impractical and cramping the Hiou's sleek look and style.
Sexiness of this magnitude really doesn't need additional embellishment.

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