Sunday, April 29, 2018

[Gallery] Nillson Works 1/60 Astray Red Frame with M3 1/60 Tactical Arms IIL & Caletvwich (Straight Build)

It's really very big (that's what she said).
The M3 1/60 weapon sets for the Astray Red Frame, namely the Tactical Arms II and the Caletvwich variable weapon units, are essentially upsized versions of their MG 1/100 counterparts. Fitting is thankfully decent but the parts are a little too soft for my link, with my hobby knife slicing off more than it should with each stroke that is slightly more forceful.

Although the Caletvwich was uneventful in its build, the Tactical Arms required a little more elbow grease and tough love to get parts to fit. Once done however, the result is undeniable: it's a big ass sword.

The M3 sets came with a pair of mounting parts for the movable armature on the Red Frame's spine, intended to serve as a connection for the Tactical Arms. A simple part-swap with the Nillson Work's stock part allows it to mount the Tactical Arms in its various configurations, although the massive size and weight of the gigantic weapon requires you to adjust the stance of the Red Frame accordingly.

Once you get it, it is glorious to behold.


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